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Nationally Accredited by ATS

Professional Ministry Leaders — Earn Your 部长博士 (DMin) in Under 3 Years!

CIU的哥伦比亚神学院事工博士(DMin)学位将为您提供成长为专业事工领导者所需的技能, and you can complete it in under 3 years. 在这个项目中,你将有机会通过从不同的战略角度审视部委的领导来反思你的领导实践. Designed to accommodate ministry practitioners from a variety of ministry contexts, you will find yourself challenged to mature spiritually, 加强你的个人和职业道德,并在你自己的领导实践中发展圣经的方法. 

Upon completion of the 部长博士 degree, you will have demonstrated an ability to:

  • Formulate a plan for continuing personal spiritual growth in leadership
  • Develop a personal and professional ethic for leadership in ministry
  • Implement an approach to leadership that embraces multicultural and global perspectives
  • Assess the effectiveness of leadership practice using a case study research method.

Why Choose Columbia International University

CIU的博士学位旨在让您从学习开始就专注于研究和写作, allowing you to finish the program more quickly.

Other advantages of CIU’s program include: 

  • Non-residential modality that allows you to pursue your degree without relocating or traveling. 
  • 经验丰富的教师导师将在他们的专业领域提供个性化的指导. 
  • Accordance Bible software offered at no additional cost while attending CIU. 
  • 由南方学院和学校协会学院委员会(SACSCOC)区域性认证,并由圣经高等教育协会(ABHE)和神学院协会(ATS)全国认证。. 
  • Degree can be reasonably completed in under three years. 

Overall Benefits of the Degree

CIU的牧师博士学位让您加深对领导和牧师实践的认识和理解. 这种先进的教育水平使你具备必要的技能和专业知识,有效地为你的会众或组织服务. 部博士学位为您提供个人和专业成长的机会. It allows you to engage in research and scholarly work, which can enhance your critical thinking, problem-solving and leadership abilities. 这可以提高工作满意度和在事工领域的职业发展. Additionally, a 部长博士 degree can open doors to new ministry opportunities. 它可以为你提供追求高级牧师等职位所需的证书和信誉, denominational leader or seminary professor. 它还可以提高你通过出版研究和教学为学术界做出贡献的能力. 

此外, 攻读部博士学位可以让你与其他部专业人士建立联系和合作. 这可以建立有价值的关系和伙伴关系,可以提高你的事工效率,并提供持续的支持和鼓励. 



Assistant Dean, Professor of Ministry Studies, Director of Internships


  • MIN 9440 Profile of the Godly Leader

    This course seeks to help you recover the personal spiritual element of leadership. Rather than studying the best practices and methods of exercising leadership, you will focus on the character, 的态度, and motives that set apart the kind of leader Scripture commends. You will construct a profile of the servant-leader, especially the leaders internal qualities, that you can apply to effective ministry in advancing Gods kingdom. (4)

  • MIN 9441 转型领导

    本课程将向您介绍在组织混乱和复杂的背景下有效领导的各种方法. You will study effective leaders who know how to influence, 催化, and support positive changes in structure, 组织文化, 和人民. You will understand that organizational change efforts are the lifeblood of leadership. You will be able to consult, 建议, 并运用个人和职业道德原则与任何组织的领导者进行接触.

  • MIN 9442 Multicultural Leadership with Global Focus

    本课程将帮助你加深你在不同种族和全球事工环境中领导他人的有效性. 您将为促进种族和文化融合的领导力奠定圣经神学基础, learn how to form multiethnic/multicultural ministry teams, and learn how to build communities that celebrate multicultural ministry. 在期末项目中, you will reflect on how to apply principles you have learned in your current ministry context. (4) Prerequisite: MIN 9441

  • MIN 9901 Literature Review

    In order to become familiar with the research of others that is related to your topic, 你将进行深入的文献综述,并综合你对研究现状的理解. 你将创建一个至少有40个标题的带注释的参考书目,并将清晰地表达你对其他人关于你的主题所写的分析. The end product will be a 6,000-7,1000字的论文,总结你的文献综述,并作为你的顶点项目的第一章.

  • MIN 9902 Research Foundations

    In this course, you will take your first step along the path to your capstone project. You will learn how to define your research topic, state the rationale and significance of that topic, identify empirical unknowns, formulate research questions, and align your anticipated focus of study with a case study approach to research. The end product will be a 3,500字的论文,总结这些领域和功能,作为你的顶点项目的第二章.

  • MIN 9903 Conducting a Case Study

    案例研究是对组织或程序的仔细检查,旨在确定该实体的特定特征. You will learn how to identify an appropriate number of institutions or programs to study, examine pertinent documents, and conduct surveys and interviews. You will design a plan for conducting a case study and will implement that plan. The end product will be a 6,000-7,1000字的论文,描述你的案例研究计划和过程,并作为你的顶点项目的第三章. (4) Prerequisite: MIN 9902

  • MIN 9904 Analyzing the Data

    Having conducted your case study research, 你会分析, 组织, and summarize the data you have collected. 你将使用你的研究问题作为框架来组织一个完整的演示和讨论你的发现. The end product will be a 6,000-7,1000字的论文,包含你的分析结果,作为你的顶点项目的第四章. (4) Prerequisite: MIN 9903

  • MIN 9905 Capstone Project

    Upon successful completion of the four prescribed research courses, you will re-state your research problem, 总结你的发现, explain the significance of those findings, and suggest further research that others might pursue in a 3,500字的论文. You will then submit the final draft of a written project of approximately 25,000 words (at least 100 pages) and defend it orally before a committee of three faculty readers. (4) Prerequisite: MIN 9904

For a comprehensive list of courses related to this program visit the 学术目录.


  • 完成应用程序
  • Application Essay (800 words total, typed)
    • 你的转换
    • Your call to ministry or cross-cultural experience
    • A summary of your ministry experience
    • Your concept of your ministry
    • Your reasons for desiring to enter the DMin program at CBS
    • The anticipated impact of the program on your ministry
    • A listing of your recent reading in theology/leadership/missions or ministry related areas
  • 获得认可机构颁发的硕士神学学位(不限于MDiv或同等学历),累计毕业GPA为3分.0
  • 最高获得的研究生学位和任何额外的研究生学位工作的正式成绩单
  • One church leader reference
  • 3 years of ministry experience
  • 最小累积3.0的绩点

认证 and Accolades

ATS (The Association of Theological Schools)
ABHE (The Association for Biblical Higher Education)
SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges)

Career Path Opportunities


  • 领先的牧师 
  • 牧师 
  • 妇女事工领袖 
  • 门徒牧师 
  • 田园辅导员 
  • Missionary care specialists 
  • 小组牧师 
  • 教会教育领袖 
  • Parachurch ministry leaders 


Is the degree fully online?

是的, the program is fully online with no residential requirements.

Is the program accredited?

是的. 牧师博士课程由南方学院和学校协会学院委员会(SACSCOC)地区认证,并由圣经高等教育协会(ABHE)和神学院协会(ATS)全国认证。. We have top-of-the-line accreditation for this program.


Currently the only concentration is leadership. 我们之所以关注领导力是因为我们希望你能从领导力的角度来写你感兴趣的领域. So, as you choose your topic, consider how leadership impacts the subject.

Are the courses synchronous or asynchronous?

异步. The synchronous elements are optional but highly recommended.

What are the three content courses about?

Profile of a Godly Leader — This course seeks to help you recover the personal spiritual element of leadership. Rather than studying the best practices and methods of exercising leadership, you will focus on the character, 的态度 and motives that set apart the kind of leader Scripture commends. You will construct a profile of the servant-leader, especially the leader’s internal qualities, that you can apply to effective ministry in advancing Gods kingdom.

转型领导 -本课程将向您介绍在组织混乱和复杂的背景下有效领导的各种方法. You will study effective leaders who know how to influence, 催化 and support positive changes in structure, 组织文化 和人民. You will understand that organizational change efforts are the lifeblood of leadership. You will be able to consult, 运用个人和职业道德原则,为任何组织的领导者提供建议和参与.

Multicultural Leadership with Global Focus -本课程将帮助您加深在不同种族和全球事工环境中领导他人的有效性. 您将为促进种族和文化融合的领导力奠定圣经神学基础, learn how to form multiethnic/multicultural ministry teams, and learn how to build communities that celebrate multicultural ministry. 在期末项目中, you will reflect on how to apply principles you have learned in your current ministry context.

Is this program cost competitive with other ATS accredited 部长博士 programs?

是的, in fact we are the best priced for this degree. 我们经常将我们的价格与其他机构进行比较,我们是该领域最便宜的机构之一.

Is a Bible software package provided to students?

Each student is provided with free Accordance Bible Software, which they keep upon graduation.

Do I have to know biblical languages for this program?

There is no language requirement for the 部长博士.

Do I have to complete any research languages for this program?

There are no research language requirements for the DMin program.

How many pages are expected for the dissertation?

The dissertation will be between 100–125 pages.

Who will be my doctoral mentor?

We will provide a DMin mentor for you. We will converse with you about potential mentors.


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